Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Nothing in this world stirs up more fear then the possibility of snow. The announcement from the weather prognosticators of the slightest chance of the white stuff creates mass hysteria. IPods and Xbox 360 no longer are the most desirable items for sale but rather bread, milk, and toilet paper. Granted, each product deserves its place in our hearts for the services they render. Why does the possibility of a couple inches of snow mean I must drop what I am currently engaging in and run to the nearest store selling such products? To all those people who live up north, I apologize for the stupidity of the majority of my fellow citizens of the mid-Atlantic. The snow's reaction remains a humorous site for any to behold who have spent an extend period of time living in a snowy climate. Small and delicate snow may be but it was the power to shut down states at its very mention. To quote Murray Rothbard, "Mass delusions are not rare. They are the salt of human history."


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