Monday, October 24, 2005

I have lost all motivation to eat healthy and I blame the media. Ten minutes of the news and you are under the impression that the average person is not going to live past 30. Hurricanes, earthquakes, wars, bird flu, global warming, and the list keep going on. Each new day brings another phenomenon which could possibly be my down fall. So all I have to say is bring on the big macs and onion rings because, damn it, I will enjoy the last few years I have to live before some retard decides to make out with a bird and spread the bird flu to millions of people. Why suffer through another salad when the pollution from my car will heat the earth up to the point that all life shrivels up. Ignorance is bliss especially when it concerns the means of my death. I would rather one day get hit by a car knowing that I enjoyed every moment of life rather then worry about what might kill me next. So in the words of monty python...."always look on the bright side of life".


Blogger I am PS: said...

Dude, but just think about if your body - frozen by science to study the bird flu or forever encased in rock or water or whatever will decimate the eart - gets rediscovered by scientists.

"By jove, what a fat American!"

And why will they presume you're American? Because all things fat are American.

And why will these discovering scientists be British? Man, don't judge just on how people talk. That's so racist.

: )

2:03 PM  
Blogger vita4all said...

Loved your comments. Since I reduced my work hours, I've had too have had a little too much time to catch up on reading about world events.

My God, this has been mind-blowing. The ocean conveyor belt is slowing because the ice caps are melting and dumping fresh water in to the oceans causing more global warming and floods and fires and heatwaves and tornadoes, and Gosh Darn, Fortune Magazine wrote an article last year titled "The Pentagon's Weather Nightmare" that said all of this global warming will cause "resource wars" followed by AN ICE AGE in 10 or 15 years.

That is, if the Iraqis don't have a civil war due to (here-we-go-again lies & rumors), this time about Iran and Syria are arming those so-called insurgents but Iran did admit they want to wipe off the map our strategic partner Israel, but if Bush nukes Iran then Russia and China might defend their oil and gas interests and we all know what that would mean...WWIII, or WWWIV, as some of the egg-heads like to say .

But if an Ice Age doesn't get us or a nuclear war doesn't get us, then Bird Flu surely will! Or maybe the housing bubble will burst and we'll have another Great Depression that made the last one "look like a $50 casino bet", and we'll all starve to death. So here we'll all be, starving with bird flu during wildfires that are followed by a Category 5 hurricane followed by nuclear war followed by an Ice Age.

Pass the fries...

7:36 PM  

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